

Say bye to crumbs... and hello to HOT passion, deep love and a relationship that feels like it was custom-designed by the Universe for you.

This intimate 5 month immersion/mastermind is for the woman who knows she is here to be cherished, fully chosen and desired.

Relationships don't have to be hard. The honeymoon period doesn't have to end.
Queen, you're not asking for too much and you aren't too much to handle.

Let's tear the pages up and rewrite your love story.

Your love life gets to be rich in depth, love, safety and wild passion. You get to be with someone who matches you in emotional maturity, shares your values and desires for the future, and steps up to take the lead without expecting you to be "less".

You deserve a committed King who has eyes just for you, who celebrates your power and believes in your dreams. A man who’s not intimidated by your success or how you evolve, but is inspired by it... *drool*

The love you were made for would never ask you to betray your desires, abandon your needs, dim your light or negotiate your worth.

The love you were made for, is your *sure thing* AND your biggest adventure.
Where sparks fly AND you feel at home.
A partnership that's SO solid, yet so liberating.
A once in a lifetime, lineage-shifting love story... is yours to choose.

Together, we'll dismantle the beliefs, patterns and wounds limiting you from experiencing this exquisiteness in your existing relationship.

OR we'll free you from these cycles, so you can become a woman who lives and breathes "worthy of queen treatment only" standards in your path to finding *forever love*.

Whether you're single or partnered up, it's time to become THAT queen who is fully chosen, deeply cherished and wildly desired.

It's giving... hot wifey whose love life is even better, wetter and more heavenly than it looks on Instagram,

Who this is for

Having a healthy, hot relationship is a true priority for you. You are ready to invest energy and resources in your love life with as much intention and abundance as you would your business or lifestyle.

You love your life. But your love life is asking for... some loving. You're ready for your relationship or dating experience to feel just as amazing as everything else you've manifested so far.

OR you have a beautiful relationship. And you want it to be even better.

You've done the inner work. However you notice some patterns, cycles or triggers keep repeating in your love life. You see it happening, but you aren't sure why and how to shift it OR why you keep attracting the same old shit. You're desiring the support to *transform* it.

You want to get and sustain a sexy, devoted relationship that gets even more delicious and deep as the years go on.

You feel worthy of queen treatment. You know you're a catch. But you aren't seeing it reflected in your love life.. yet. You want your man to step up, claim you, take the lead more without having to ask.

You want to stop mothering your partner, over-functioning, feeling resentful/naggy or withholding your desires.

You have no issue embodying queen energy, stellar boundaries and big receptivity in your business. You'd like that to be the new normal for your love life too. No more settling or lowering your standards.

You want conflict (or asking for your needs/bringing your desires) to bring you closer in partnership, instead of driving a wedge between you or causing an argument.

You're looking for a room where you can talk openly and be expanded by other successful and bold women.

You’re bored of 99.9% of dating and relationship advice. You want personalised, contextualised, effective mentorship on your unique situation and how to get what you want.

A big intention for joining this mastermind is the opportunity to connect with queens on the same wavelength - both single and in relationships. You know their questions, vulnerability and support will be so encouraging for this season you're in. Shameless sharing, sisterhood and seeing each other as we deepen into our queen era.

You've healed MANY aspects of your "good girl" conditioning in your work. But if you're honest... there's layers and beliefs that still show up in your romantic world. And you're ready to embody power and worth here too.

You were the queen of boundaries, UNTIL that one freaking guy… who rattled your confidence + made you question yourself. You're ready to embody your QUEEN and not project your past onto your future.

click here to apply


If your application is approved, I will be in touch to either book a further clarifying call or directly offer you a place.

client recognition


Dating & Relationship Coach and 3x Author

Amy supported me during a challenging & significant time in my life. I was getting married and pivoting my business, which brought up LOTS of fear & overwhelm.

Thank GOD I had Amy to offer her wisdom in the hard times, plus encouragement & celebration in the happy moments.

Amy is a remarkable space holder with impeccable standards & integrity. I regard her as one of the best & most highly skilled coaches around today, and can't recommend working with her highly enough.


Business Mentor

Working with Amy changed my life, how I show up in relationships and how I view my “blocks”.

Amy unblocked so much for me. I was able to move through some of my deepest shadows and she held me with such power.

Since I become a single mother, I’ve spent the last 7 years of my life dedicated to the raising of my children. I lacked self-love and had no idea how or where to start building that. Just before I turned 50, I decided to work with Amy.

There were many things from my past I had not resolved. I had limiting beliefs causing me to sabotage when things were going well and attracting emotionally unavailable partners.

Amy helped me understand how my life experiences were affecting me and how to heal. A LOT of shadow work was done. She helped me see myself differently and understand why I was attracted to a certain type of man/partner.

She didn't just explain what caused it, she taught me what to do to change it.

Amy has completely changed the way I feel and think about myself and my philosophy of life, making me realise everything starts inside. She has shown me what self-love truly is.     



Amy supported me with wisdom and guidance in areas I didn’t even know I needed help. Amy was able to take my story that I had in my head and help me re-write it completely.

She was able to understand what I wanted, help me feel worthy of receiving it and re-wiring my thoughts so I could surrender and trust the universe.

She helped me take the fear out of not achieving what I want and get my headspace into a more abundant frequency, so if a relationship or opportunity doesn’t work out immediately, I know (and believe) there is something better for me.


I can't even communicate how much I admire and appreciate the work Amy does.

I was at a real low point. Feeling stuck and unsatisfied with my life, dealing with unhealthy relationship patterns, poor body image and low self esteem. 1-2-1 coaching with Amy and going to her retreat helped uncover major blocks and destructive habits which were preventing me from achieving my goals. She has the wisest, intuitive gift for asking the right questions and making deeply perceptive observations. This helped me break my destructive patterns of self sabotage.

Within months my life changed almost beyond recognition. Amy’s coaching gave me the confidence and I ended every session feeling lighter, calmer and armed with tools and practical steps to move forward and improve my life. The way she channels and facilitates workshops, meditations and group discussions is truly transformative.

I love how she combines divine old-soul wisdom with tangible tools and actionable steps to guide you towards manifesting goals and living a more fulfilled life. I feel truly fortunate to have worked so closely with Amy.

5 Months. August - December.

10 Coaching + Teaching Calls (2 each month)
The vibe: personalised coaching, mentorship + precise wisdom, having your questions directly answered and my eyes on your love life.

1:1 Coaching (and the ability to upgrade this support)
You'll receive a 1:1 session together throughout the immersion where you'll get personalised support, coaching and space for healing. If you upgrade to the VIP option, you'll get 4 of these 1:1 sessions.

Belief Shifting Rituals + Contemplations
Between calls, you will be invited to embody your "queen treatment" era via healing homework, practices and contemplations you'll sink your teeth into. Remembering that transformation requires your participation in your life.

3 Hypnotic Rebirthing Ceremonies
These group somatic healing ceremonies support deeper nervous system regulation and interoception (both essential for healthy relationships and showing up as a Queen). These sessions will also help you release old wounds, shape new beliefs and increase your self esteem.

Your Chat Room (Group Led)

This is where you can ask each other questions, celebrate, share experiences and connect from the heart in real time.

Surprises to keep our spark alive ;)
Think mystery gifts + bonuses to make you feel oh so loved up.

The queen treatment

Enrolment is £5555 (pay in full)
(or 5 x £1200 on the payment plan)

VIP option with 4 x 1:1 calls is £7777 (pay in full)
(or 5 x £1645 on the payment plan)

Investment Choices

All call times are shown in Central Indonesia Time

11 AUG 2024, SUN, 9 – 10am
 22 AUG 2024, THU, 6 – 7pm
12 SEP 2024, THU, 9 – 10am
22 SEP 2024, SUN, 9 – 10am
30 SEP 2024, MON, 9 – 10am
10 OCT 2024, THU, 9 – 10am
20 OCT 2024, SUN, 6 – 7pm
 29 OCT 2024, TUE, 9 – 10am
6 NOV 2024, WED,  6 – 7pm
17 NOV 2024, SUN,  9 – 10am
21 NOV 2024, THU,  9 – 10am
4 DEC 2024, WED,  6 – 7pm
15 DEC 2024, SUN, 9 – 10am

Call Schedule