Every episode is a catalyst to awaken the unapologetic, empowered woman within you.


May every episode expand, inspire, teach or ignite you to live your best fucking life, shamelessly. You'll hear intimate, unfiltered conversations from myself and other experts on all the juicy topics.

Jocelyn Kelly Reid

Amy delivered everything I desired and then some. The healing, the fucking WISDOM - you do not understand how deep her wisdom is in literally every area of life, the true blue business coaching when I desired it, the healing, the peace... I got it all, and I have the results to show for it.

I doubled my income to my first $100k month in our time together - yep a full double from $50k. I found a deeper level of truth and fire within me. My standards and how I led my romantic life reached a deeper level of alignment and power. I stepped deeper into sovereignty. I just got it all and loved every moment of our time together.

Amy is a force of nature and I am SO GLAD I followed the call to invest in private work with her. One of the best coaching experiences of my life!

AND she's funny as f*ck and I like that ;)

Ayesha, Oath Oracle 

Working with Amy privately + in her mastermind was a beautiful initiation into pleasure based business. I was drawn to her at a time when I had created a lot of "external" success in my business (ie 20k months, booked out, etc) but my body felt bruised, aching, and deeply burnt out.

Her space holding within her mastermind was so powerful, graceful, and in high integrity. The sisterhood that was created there was unlike any I have experienced.

She helped me radically love and accept the aspects of myself that desire to express my unique beauty, to be seen, heard, enjoy the prosperity I've created, and live in a state of aliveness & radiance in my body. Amy supported me through some of the biggest & most challenging initiations I've had in my business to date.

During our time together, I reduced my hours, and I also stabilized 40k months in my business.. literally while doing less LOL. And for me, she is an amazing expander as a fellow Projector doing business in a way that is very aligned with her blueprint.

Susie Hemsted

After moving countries, pivoting in business & going through a breakup…I felt like I’d been completely stripped bare & the Universe was asking me to rebuild. Then I found Amy. I enrolled in ALL her courses in 2021, become a 1:1 client & joined her business mastermind.

I quantum leaped in biz, made more revenue than ever, fell deeply in love with myself & now live a life where I pinch myself daily.

Amy is a radical permission slip to follow those big, bold, badass dreams & ask for what you truly desire. The wisdom she shares is THE roadmap to get you there.

Be prepared for MASSIVE TRANSFORMATION. To say that my life has transformed from being in Amy's energy would be a HUGE understatement.

Being in Amy's mastermind was such an epic experience!

One of my greatest transformations during our 10 months together was coming deeper into my truth & unapologetic expression.

I’m deeply grateful for the depth of support, care, & love Amy holds in her spaces. It’s clear as day that she truly gives a fuck about you & that created so much openness to receive her incredible support.

I felt so deeply held & SEEN in the full spectrum of what makes me, ME! Amy is a soul sister for life & I highly recommend working with her.

Rachael Meeds

Kat Horrocks

Amy held massive space for my deepest healing and wildest abundance in business and in life.

From £10k months celebrations, to childhood wounds, to orgasmic manifestation… Amy can hold, guide and activate it all. It was a 180 degree transformation for me.

Our work has allowed me to quantum leap in my business to 6 figures and more within 12 months. I am happier, healthier and wealthier because of Amy’s mentorship and guidance.

Christina Arntz

12/10 can recommend! I vibe on a completely different frequency now & I've become a much better mentor.

Working with Amy on my biz has been one of the most expansive experiences of my life! What I received feels FAR more profound than just increasing revenue. Amy taught me so much about self leadership + how to truly lean back in life and business.

Jordan Bone

Working with Amy was so powerful - I came away inspired & my soul ignited. I had a successful launch of my first group coaching program & I owe that to the support I received from Amy.

Investing in yourself can often be scary but I’ve come to realise the more you invest the more you grow! Forever grateful to have Amy’s guidance, pure love & support.

Phoebe Marie

Investing in Amy's  mastermind was one of the best decisions I ever made. I evolved into a completely new identity.

I completely rebirthed my business, grew my community, revenue, created my signature container and moved from offering healings to facilitating powerful DNA activations.

The wisdom and codes Amy carries are of divine light and it is incredible to witness & receive. I am living in alignment with my soul, my feminine energy, my mission & my desires.

Deep reverence for Amy, her magic & the sacred spaces she holds.

Hello, queen!

Amy Rushworth is a Coach, Breathwork Facilitator and Somatic Healer. Her expertise and burning passion lies in helping you activate the unapologetic woman within.

As a globally-recognised thought leader on feminine empowerment, sensual wellness, relationships & transformational healing, Amy helps her clients to dissolve the fear, shame, perfectionism & “good girl” conditioning that get in the way of the confidence, love, pleasure, career & freedom they crave.

Amy’s work (and the *unapologetic woman* movement she is leading) is deeply connected and inspired by her own journey of healing from PTSD, overcoming trauma, reconnecting with her spirituality & radically reinventing the trajectory of her life.

As a former “good girl” who struggled with perfectionism, dimming her light, the fear of being judged and unhealthy addictions/trauma responses — Amy knows what it takes to heal, rewrite your story and make the comeback of a lifetime as your healthiest, empowered self.

Her methodologies, free content & @amyrushworthshow podcast 🎤 often shine a light on taboo areas of women’s empowerment — in unfiltered and unapologetic ways.

The topics we’re typically taught to stay hush about or be ashamed of — eg. s*x, power, success — are the conversations she shamelessly lives for & brings to the foreground.

Through her signature online courses like Pleasure Empress, global retreats, The Amy Rushworth Show podcast, and free daily content... Amy supports women all over the world to heal, own their power and create the delicious f-yes life of their dreams like nobody’s watching.

She combines a background and qualifications in Rebirthing Breathwork, transformational coaching, cognitive-behavioral-coaching, somatic parts work, holistic sexology/relationship coaching, integrative nutrition, human design... with real-talk, practical wisdom. She has served more than 4500 clients and students in dozens of countries over the last 8 yrs.

As for the fun stuff — Amy is a Leo Sun, Virgo Rising, Taurus Moon & a Mental Projector 3/5 in Human Design.